Kobold DF-MA Analogue Input Vane Flow Meter

 The established vane technology has proven itself a million times worldwide for measuring and monitoring the flow of different mediums in pipelines. Flowmeters/monitors work with this proven principle and offer many benefits. The heart of the new vane is an embedded ring magnet; it is hermetically sealed from the flow medium. It transfers, in a non-contacting manner, the rotary motion of the vane to a Hall sensor attached to the case (in order to save space).

This converts the rotary motion to a frequency signal that is proportional to the flow rate. The downstream evaluating electronics can output this signal to a display, convert it to (0(4)-20 mA, 0-10 V) analogue signal, or count it.

It may also be used to switch with up to two limit contacts. The ready and control states of the limit value relay are indicated by LEDs. The modular design of flow monitors and measuring instruments is a system that can be universally applied; it is reasonably priced; and requires minimum space when in service. Very precise measurement results can be achieved, under tough operating conditions along with the electronics.

The system is assembled with the electronics and delivered ready for service. The electronics are adjusted and tuned for use with the sensor. When retrofitted for other measuring ranges, the system may be re-adjusted with a similar device at any time.

The DF-... MA evaluating electronics converts the frequency signal from the measuring sensor to a 0(4)-20 mA, 0-10 VDC analogue signal. It is ideally suited for precise teletransmission of flow-rate measurements for indicating devices, recorders or controllers, for example.

A green LED on the transmitter indicates the ready state. If the sensor is replaced, the transmitter should be readjusted with the potentiometers marked 0 mA and/or 20 mA. They are protected against unintentional rotation by a foil situated behind the front dial. Measuring accuracy and perfect operation is only guaranteed when the foil is undamaged.

The supply voltage and output are connected with a 7-pin circular connector or a 1.5 m cable (A cable can only be used for flange connection). This product can be combined with Cable Plug Type 2518.

Measuring / switching range:
0.08 - 0.5 l/min ... 40 - 160 l/min water
Connection: G ⅛ ... G 1½, flange DN15 ... DN50,
brass, stainless steel, trogamide, polysulfone, PVDF
pmax: 6 / 10 / 16 / 100 bar
tmax: 80°C
Accuracy: ±2.5 % of full scale
Analogue output

Evaluating Electronics

  • for teletransmitting the flow rate
  • Output 0(4)-20 mA 0-10 VDC


Technical Details

  • Accuracy: ±2.5% f. s.
  • Power supply:
    24 VDC +15% / -10%
    24, 110, 230 VAC ±20%
  • Power input: 3.5 W max.
  • Output (DIN IEC 381): current source 0(4)-20 mA floating, 0-10 V (bei 24 VDC non-isolated)
  • Output load: 0-500 Ω (load)
  • Ambient temperature: 25 °C ... +80 °C
  • Protection type: IP 65, all-insulated

Cable Connections

  • No. 1 supply voltage (–)
  • No. 2 supply voltage (+)
  • No. 5 analog output (+)
  • No. 5 analog output (-)

Download Datasheet: Kobold DF-MA Analogue Input Vane Flowmeter

Reference : kobold.com


