Litre Meter pioneered the development of the Pelton wheel flowmeter: an accurate, effective and versatile design suitable for many different fluids including acids, chemicals, fuels, water and hot fats, at both high and low flow rates.
Since 1986 Litre Meter has developed the VFF meter (literally, Viscous or Versatile Fluids Flowmeter) for low flow and high pressure applications for the offshore industry particularly for chemical injection. In 2011 we supplied the largest ever chemical injection flowmeter order for the Gulf of Mexico. Over 5,000 VFFs are now in operation on chemical injection.
Our portfolio for the UK now includes flowmeters of all kinds, including rotary meters, gas flowmeters, helical screw flowmeters and ultrasonic flowmeters to handle a wide range of viscosities, flow rates and pressures, aggressive liquids and hazardous or adverse environments. We have particular expertise in measuring low flow rates and flows at high pressure. Contact the flowmeter specialists.
Litre Meter hold ISO9001:2015 approval. We are members of the Institute of Manufacturing at Cambridge University, FPAL, Achilles, Institute of Measurement and Control and Northamptonshire Chamber of Commerce. Litre Meter is a member of the TASI Flow Division and won the Queen’s Award in 2016 for Enterprise in International Trade.
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