Pulsar PC Software Suite

PC Suite is a simple download and install from the Pulsar website (see address below). PC Suite can be used to set up, calibrate, clone, or download data from the main range of Pulsar equipment. It includes Ultra PC, the popular and powerful set of tools that work with Pulsar’s Ultra 3 and Ultra 5, plus the core control software for several other Pulsar controllers, including the two-channel UltraTWIN, self-contained IMP, component ultrasonic system Blackbox, Sludge Finder 2 sludge interface monitor and HART protocol dBi ‘intelligent’ transducers.

Newly introduced with the latest version of PC Suite is a security ‘dongle’, which simply plugs into a vacant USB port, providing an interface with whichever Pulsar unit is in use via its on-board RS232 socket and activating PC Suite.


The advantage of this approach is that in previous versions of Pulsar’s software, only team members
with registered software could use it, meaning that a PC might have to be effectively dedicated to the
task of setting up, calibrating or investigating Pulsar equipment. Now, with PC Suite, a full set of Pulsar
software tools can be installed on everyone’s PC, activated as required using the dongle. Customers
need only purchase as many dongles as there are users who may need to operate the software at the same time.

  Another Article:


Included within PC Software Suite

  • IMP PC - set-up, program, calibrate, clone and configure IMP+ and IMP Lite units
  • Blackbox PC - ability to create a programming template to easily set-up multiple Blackbox units, configure interfaces and outputs and to download data (depending on Blackbox unit in use)
  • Ultra PC - ability to set-up single or several Ultra 3 or Ultra 5 units, view live DATEM echo processing traces and view data log information
  • Twin PC - the same as Ultra PC but controls Pulsar's two-channel device, UltraTWIN
  • Sludge Finder 2 PC - control, program and calibrate Pulsar's sludge interface monitor, Sludge Finder 2. Also includes capability to program separate RAS and FLOC levels, see interface level profiles and store level data
  • dBi HART PC - address and configure the Pulsar's dBi HART Intelligent Transducers


  • Software now instantly available for download
  • Requires security ‘dongle’ to operate after 30 day evaluation period
  • All main software components in one place

Download Datasheet: Pulsar PC Software Suite

Reference : pulsar-pm.com


