Orifice Flow Meter
Flowmeter of this type, based on its working principle, uses pressure difference and can be used in both high temperature and high pressure.
Orifice flowmeter aside from being used to measure liquid flow and gas; can also be used for the steam flow. Flowmeter is available in various materials, from UPVC, PE, and PP or PTFE which really suitable to be applied to a chemical with corrosive characteristics.
There is an Orifice flowmeter type that is used for heavy/thick material, such as sludge, in the WWT process or when measuring gas with high humidity.
air, diesel, flow meter, flowmeter, oil, orifice, solar, water
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Another Article:
The Technology of Ultrasonic Flowmeter
Working Principle of Flow Meter
How to Choose a Flow Meter
Models and Types of Flow Meter
Sound Velocity of Material
Principle Working of Coriolis Mass Flow Meter
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