Flowmasonic WUF 100 CF QnA (Question and Answer)


ultrasonic flow meter Flowmasonic WUF 100 CF 

How to enter into the linearity correcting? How to enter the data?

  • The menu can realize almost 12 parts of linearity correcting. The user can choose from two points to twelve points to execute the linearity correcting according to the user actual condition.
  • In order to explain the usage method of the menu, we suppose that we get the following table data through calibration of the meter.
  • Reference standard :
    • equipment flow (m3/h)
    • Instrumented show : flow (m3/h)
    • Correction coefficient
    • (standard / show value)
      1.02 0.0998 1.02
      5.11 5.505 0.93
      10.34 10.85 0.95
      20.45 19.78 1.03
      50.56 51.23 0.99
    • In order to revise the flow exceeds the scope of the above table, without mutations of the correction factor, we add two points on the basis of the above five points, (0 m3/h, 1.0) and (100000 m3/h, 1.0). (0 m3/h, 1.0) is called the minimum flow of the amendment point, this set of data is used to facilitate to generated a appropriate correction factor when Instrumented show flow under 1.02 m3/h. (100000 m3/h, 1.0) is called the maximum flow of the amendment point, this set of data is used to facilitate to generated a appropriate correction factor when Instrumented show flow above 50.56 m3/h.
    • So that we get the following data sets from small to large.
        • ( 0 , 1 )
        • ( 0.0998 , 1.02 )
        • ( 5.505 , 0.93 )
        • ( 10.85 , 0.95 )
        • (19.78, 1.03 )
      • ( 51.23 , 0.99 )
      • (100000, 1. )
  • The total is seven sets of data. The next step is to put seven sets of data entered into the Instrument. Pay attention to the input order in accordance with from small to large.
  • To enter the menu M48, then input the data set number “7”, to be followed in the above seven sets of data, we revised the setup of multi-segment linearity correcting.
  • If you need to cancel linearity correcting, simply enter “0” in the menu M48.
  • Decommissioned linearity correcting, you just need to enter in the menu M48 data points (in this case, is “7”).
  • Noted: before the calibration of the instrument, you must first close the linearity correction function. If under the condition that the linearity correcting function has not closed, the calibration data sets arising from the amendment must be dealing with the reverse curve of the data following the original amendment, then input to the Instrument. The reverse amendment is very complicated and should be avoided.
Clamp On Ultrasonic flowmeter

How to use the Totalizer Pulse Output?

  • The totalizer output will produce a pulse output with every unit flow of the totalizer.
  • The totalizer pulse output can only be realized by mapping the pulse output to the OCT or BUZZER hardware devices.
  • For example, assume that the POS totalizer pulse output is needed, and every pulse should represent 0.1cubic meter of liquid flow; the pulse output will be mapped to the internal Buzzer, so that with every 0.1 cubic meters of flow the BUZZER will beep for a while.
  • The following setups should be taken/performed:
    • Select the unit Cubic Meter under window M32.
    • Select the Multiplier as ‘2. X0.1’ under window M33.
    • Select the output option ‘9. POS INT Pulse’ under window M77. (INT stands for totalized )

How to use the Frequency Output?

  • There is a Frequency Output in all WUF 1oo CF series flow meters. This frequency output signal, which represents the flow rate, is intended to connect with other instruments.
  • The Frequency Output is totally user-configurable. Generally, four parameters should be  configured for the setups.
  • Enter the lower flow rate value in window M68 and the higher flow rate value in window M69.
  • Enter the frequency range in window M67.
  • for other instrumentation. The user should enter 0 in M68 and 3000 in M69, and enter 200 and 1000 in window M67.
  • Please note that the user has to make the selection with OCT setups in window M78.

How to use 4-20mA current loop output?

  • The accuracy of the current loop output is better than 0.1%. It can be configured to different
    mode, such as 4-20mA mode, 0-20mA, etc.
  • Mode selection can be made in the menu M55.
    Refer to the next chapter for details on M55.
  • In order to use the 4-20mA output function, you need not only select the mode to be
    4-20mA in M55, but also set the flow rate values which correspond to the minimum current (4mA) and the maximum current (20mA).
  • Enter the two values in M56 and M57.
  • Example A: The flow rate range is 0-500m3/h. Just enter 0 in M56 and 500 in M57.
    Example B: The flow rate range is -500-0-1000m3/h. If flow direction is not an issue for you, you
    may select 20- 4-20mA mode in M55. Then, enter 500 in M56 and 1000 in M57. If flow
    direction is an issue, you may select 0-4-20mA mode in M55.
  • This means that the current
    the loop will output 0-4mA when the flow rate is negative and 4-20mA when the flow rate is positive.
    Enter -500 in M56 and 1000 in M57.
  • You may need to calibrate and test the current loop output before using it. Just go to menu M58 and do the following :
    • First, connect an ammeter to the current loop output.
    • Press MENU 5 8, then ENT to enter into menu M58.
    • Use /+ and /- to display "0mA", "4mA", "8mA", "16mA", "20mA"
    • orderly, record the corresponding reading on the ammeter.
    • Calculate the differences between the readings and the selected ones. For instance, when 4mA is selected, the actual output current shown on the ammeter is 4.01mA.
    • Then, the difference is 0.01mA.
    • If the differences are not within tolerance, calibrate the current loop
    • The present current loop output is displayed in Window M59. It changes along with flow rate change.

How to know if the instrument works properly?

Enter into M08, if ‘R’ is displayed on the screen, the instrument is working properly, If 'E' is displayed, the current loop output is over-ranged. Increasing the range setting in M57 will make the 'E' letter disappear. If you do not use the current loop output, you may ignore this error.

  • If 'Q' is displayed, the frequency output is over-ranged. Increasing the range setting in M69 will make the 'Q' letter disappear. If you do not use frequency output, you may ignore this error.
  • If an ‘H’ flashes on that place, there could be poor signal received. Please refer to the
    chapters on a diagnosis.
  • If 'G' is displayed, the flow meter is adjusting system gain. This is normal as far as it does
    not last long time.
  • If an ‘I’ is displayed, it means that there is no signal detected.
  • If 'J' is displayed, there is a hardware problem. Turn off the power, then, turn on the power again. If the problem remains, refer to Chapter 5 for diagnosis details.


