Basic Flow Rate Indicators / Totalizers :
Robust Intrinsically Safe flow rate indicators/totalizers for safe and hazardous areas. Combining easy operation and extreme durability in the toughest conditions.
- F010: Intrinsically Safe - Flow rate Indicator with very large digits
- F011: Intrinsically Safe - Totalizer with resettable total and non-resettable accumulated total
- F012: Intrinsically Safe - Flow rate Indicator / Totalizer
- F013: Intrinsically Safe - Flow rate Monitor / Totalizer with one high/low alarm output
- F014: Intrinsically Safe - Flow rate Indicator / Totalizer with pulse output
- F016: Intrinsically Safe - Flow rate Indicator / Totalizer with linearization and pulse output
- F110: Intrinsically Safe - Flow rate Indicator / Totalizer with analog and pulse outputs
- F111: Intrinsically Safe - Dual input Flow rate Indicator / Totalizer with two pulse outputs
- F112: Intrinsically Safe - Flow rate Indicator / Totalizer with linearization, analog and pulse outputs
- F113: Intrinsically Safe - Flow rate Monitor / Totalizer with high/low alarms, analog and pulse outputs
- F117: Intrinsically Safe - Totalizer Monitor with high/low totalizer alarms and analog output
Advanced Flow Rate Indicators / Totalizers :
Robust Intrinsically Safe flow computers for safe and hazardous areas. Combining easy operation and extreme durability in the toughest conditions.
- F018: Intrinsically Safe - Flow rate Monitor / Totalizer with linearization, pulse/alarm, and analog outputs, and HART communication
- F114: Intrinsically Safe - Ratio Monitor / Totalizer with high/low alarms and analog outputs
- F115: Intrinsically Safe - Bi-directional Flow rate Indicator / Totalizer with analog, pulse signal, and flow direction outputs
- F116: Intrinsically Safe - Differential / Sum Flow Computer with analog and pulse outputs
- F118: Intrinsically Safe - Flow rate Monitor / Totalizer with linearization, high/low alarms, analog and pulse outputs
- F120: Intrinsically Safe - Flow rate Controller with analog control output and high/low alarms
- F124: Intrinsically Safe - Ratio Controller with analog control output and high/low alarms
- F126-EL: Intrinsically Safe - Flow Computer with temperature compensation for corrected liquid volume
- F126-EG: Intrinsically Safe - Flow Computer with temperature and pressure compensation for corrected gas volume
- F127: Intrinsically Safe - Differential Flow Computer with temperature compensation for corrected liquid volume
Batch Controllers :
Robust Intrinsically Safe batch controllers for safe and hazardous areas. Combining easy operation and extreme durability in the toughest conditions.
- F030: Intrinsically Safe - Batch Controller with one control output
- F130: Intrinsically Safe - Batch Controller with two-stage control and pulse output
- F131: Intrinsically Safe - Batch Controller with two-stage control, pulse output and analog output in relation to the flow rate
- F132: Intrinsically Safe - Batch Controller with two-stage control and receipt printer driver
- F133: Intrinsically Safe - Delivery Controller / Dispenser with pump start and valve control
- F136: Intrinsically Safe - Batch Controller with two-stage control, pulse output and analog output in relation to the course of the batch process
Level Indicators :
Robust Intrinsically Safe level indicators for safe and hazardous areas. Combining easy operation and extreme durability in the toughest conditions.
- F070: Intrinsically Safe - Level Indicator with very large digits
- F073: Intrinsically Safe - Level Monitor with one high/low alarm output
- F074: Intrinsically Safe - Level / Pump Controller with one control output
- F077: Intrinsically Safe - Level Monitor with linearization and one high/low alarm output
- F170: Intrinsically Safe - Level Monitor with high/low alarms and analog outputs
- F173: Intrinsically Safe - Level Monitor with linearization, high/low alarms, and analog outputs
- F190: Intrinsically Safe - General Purpose Monitor with analog and high/low alarm outputs
Temperature Indicators :
Robust Intrinsically Safe temperature indicators for safe and hazardous areas. Combining easy operation and extreme durability in the toughest conditions.
- F040: Intrinsically Safe - Temperature Indicator with very large digits
- F043: Intrinsically Safe - Temperature Monitor with one high/low alarm output
- F190: Intrinsically Safe - General Purpose Monitor with analog and high/low alarm outputs
Pressure Indicators :
Robust Intrinsically Safe pressure indicators for safe and hazardous areas. Combining easy operation and extreme durability in the toughest conditions.
- F050: Intrinsically Safe - Pressure Indicator with very large digits
- F053: Intrinsically Safe - Pressure Monitor with one high/low alarm output
- F190: Intrinsically Safe - General Purpose Monitor with analog and high/low alarm outputs
General Purpose Indicators :
Robust Intrinsically Safe general-purpose indicators for safe and hazardous areas. Combining easy operation and extreme durability in the toughest conditions.
- F090: Intrinsically Safe - General purpose Indicator input loop powered with very large digits
- F093: Intrinsically Safe - Tachometer Monitor, displays engine speed and running hours with alarm output
- F190: Intrinsically Safe - General Purpose Monitor with analog and high/low alarm outputs
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