Greyline adalah brand alat instrumen jenis ultrasonic untuk aplikasi diindustri dan sistem pengairan. Greyline mengembangkan produk instrumen untuk market flow dan level, dimana produknya meliputi flow meter ultrasonic, level sensor, level transmiter dan open channel flow meter.
Akurat dalam pengukuran pada air yang relatif bersih dan tidak berkarbonasi seperti potable water, raw water, cooling water, de-ionized or reverse-osmosis water, oils and chemicals. Ultrasonic transducers dipasang diluar pipa tanpa menggangu proses produksi. Flow rate ditampilkan di sebuah diplay yang besar dengan fitur backlit display, bersamaan dengan total volume, signal strength, relay status, dan diagnostic values lainnya. Flow meter ini menggunakan built-in control relays sebagai flow alarms or volume totalization. Connect the isolated 4-20mA output to PLC's or controllers. A 128MB data logger is standard, capable of capturing up to 26 million data points. Optional MODBUS RTU via RS-485 available for connection to automation systems.
The TTFM 6.1 works on a wide range of pipe sizes and materials including carbon steel, stainless steel, ductile iron, concrete-lined ductile iron, cast iron, PVC, PVDF, fiberglass, copper, brass, aluminum and pipes with bonded liners including epoxy, rubber and Teflon.
The TTFM 6.1 Transit Time Flow Meter operates by measuring the “transit time” or “time of flight” for ultrasonic sound pulses transmitted from one transducer to another. Depending on the mounting configuration, the signal may cross the pipe once, twice or four times. To measure flow the transit time is compared between ultrasonic signals traveling upstream and downstream.
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