For more than 70 years, Jallatte® has been a leader in the safety footwear market, focusing on innovation and research into technical performance in order to constantly improve the protection of people at work. Preserving the health and improving the well-being of professionals at work has always been part of our historical DNA. Today, our design efforts are focused on preventing the risks of MSDs, musculoskeletal disorders, thanks to innovative materials and new technologies for multi-density soles that are the subject of international patents.
After safety, comfort and design, we therefore open the way to performance related to anti-fatigue in an ergonomic approach adapted to all physiologies and work situations. Above all, Jallatte® is a differentiating know-how and undeniable quality, which enables us to consolidate our Premium positioning and, even more so, to ensure the creation of well-being for all professionals at work.
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