We manufacture Industrial glass along with specializing in lighting design and restoration.
Our lighting strengths thrive daily and we deliver exceptional fittings and lights for commercial, industrial, and in the home. We have also done many well-known TV and Film sets, and our flexibility
and experience allows us to turn our hand to making period lighting of exceptional quality for the most demanding clientele.
Moncrieff had always been a manufacturer of oil lamp chimneys, to complement the chimneys shades were manufactured, and from there they began to manufacture and supply shades for electric lights. In a few short years, Moncrieff is now firmly established as an innovative lighting business. Supplying custom-made, vintage, and modern lighting.
Our Product is as below :
- Level Gauge
- Flow Indicators
- Circular Sight Glass
- Boiler Spares
Reference: www.johnmoncrieff.co.uk
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