Today, SIKO's robust and innovative measurement technology is being applied globally in industry and mechanical engineering.
Five subsidiaries and approximately 60 representations ensure direct contact and technical support for our customers on a national and international scale. Sales engineers and service technicians support OEM customers as well as users on-site with competent consulting and customer service in their own languages.
Five subsidiaries and approximately 60 representations ensure direct contact and technical support for our customers on a national and international scale. Sales engineers and service technicians support OEM customers as well as users on-site with competent consulting and customer service in their own languages.
Siko Products :
1.PositionLine: Position Indicators
1.1. Mechanical digital position indicators
1.2. Electronic digital position indicators
1.3. Control knobs
1.4. Mechanical analog position indicators and handwheels
1.4.1. Analog position indicators
1.4.2. Handwheels
1.5. Clamping Plates
1.1. Mechanical digital position indicators
1.2. Electronic digital position indicators
1.3. Control knobs
1.4. Mechanical analog position indicators and handwheels
1.4.1. Analog position indicators
1.4.2. Handwheels
1.5. Clamping Plates
2.RotoLine: Rotary encoders
2.1. Incremental rotary encoders
2.2. Absolute rotary encoders
2.3. Geared potentiometer
2.4. Electronic displays
2.1. Incremental rotary encoders
2.2. Absolute rotary encoders
2.3. Geared potentiometer
2.4. Electronic displays
3.LinearLine: Wire-Actuated Encoders
3.1. Wire-Actuated Encoders
3.2. Optical distance sensors
3.1. Wire-Actuated Encoders
3.2. Optical distance sensors
4.DriveLine: Actuators
4.1. Fieldbus actuators
4.2. Analog actuators
4.3. Incremental actuators
4.1. Fieldbus actuators
4.2. Analog actuators
4.3. Incremental actuators
5.MagLine: magnetic linear and angular measurement
5.1. Sensors
5.2. Magnetic bands
5.3. Magnetic rings
5.4. Electronic displays
5.5. Translation modules
5.1. Sensors
5.2. Magnetic bands
5.3. Magnetic rings
5.4. Electronic displays
5.5. Translation modules
6.OptoLine: high-precision optical measuring system
6.1. Sensors
6.2. Optical tape
6.1. Sensors
6.2. Optical tape
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