Hengstler Absolute Rotary Encoder ACURO AC59

Absolute Rotary Encoder ACURO AC59

Technology and flexibility are key characteristics of our incremental and absolute rotary encoder series ICURO and ACURO. Monolithically integrated Opto-ASICS will reliably replace up to 200 SMD components. Thanks to the modular construction, users can select the required configuration from over two million possible rotary encoders.

HENGSTLER's ACURO absolute rotary encoders offer innovative engineering, easy operation, and optimized functional dependability. The platform-based concept enables particularly compact construction and modular internal components. As a result of this sophisticated modular system, HENGSTLER is in a position always to provide the right variant for applications involving motor feedback and automation. Equipped with an open BiSS sensor interface, these rotary encoders are ideal for all requirements and prepared for the future.

Absolute Rotary Encoder ACURO AC59

The AC59 series combines a series of absolute rotary encoders with optical scanning that have been specially designed for use in extreme ambient conditions. The size 58 mm encoders have a stainless steel housing and are particularly suited to oil and gas applications, marine fittings, the food industry, the packaging industry, and offshore applications. As single-turn and multi-turn versions, these encoders achieve a resolution of up to 29 bits (17 bits single-turn, 12 bits multi-turn).


  • Compact construction
  • Ingress protection IP67
  • The high degree of corrosion resistance
  • Highly robust
  • Resolutions up to 29 bits (17 bits ST- 12 bits MT)
  • Various connections using cables
  • Fields of application: Packaging machines for foods
  • Ship equipment (e.g. Derrick cranes, winches, cable-laying equipment)
  • Offshore
  • Applications

Another Article:


Product FamilyAC59
Ordering InformationRotary Encoder AC59
Function / ApplicationAbsolute
Housing Diameter [mm]58 mm
Solid- / Hollow ShaftSolid 9,52 ... 10 mm
Protection Rating HousingIP67
Operating Temperature [°C]-40 ... +100 °C
Housing OptionStainless Steel
Increased Environmental RequirementsChemical resistance
Seawater resistant
Revolutions [rpm]6,000 rpm
Resolution ST [Bit]10 ... 17 Bit
Resolution MT [Bit]12 Bit
InterfaceBiSS / SSI

Download Data Sheet: Absolute Rotary Encoder ACURO AC59

Ref: hengstler.de


