Echotel ® Model 355 is a two-wire, loop-powered, noncontact ultrasonic transmitter that performs liquid level, volume, and open channel flow measurement. Model 355 Transmitters feature a powerful 60 kHz ultrasonic transducer and advanced digital signal processing to reliably measure out to a 20 feet (6 m) maximum range.
The Model 355 provides unsurpassed ease of configuration with either the menu-driven 4-push-button, 2-line ¥ 16-character display, HART® digital communications, or PACTware™. This enables a complete configuration to be performed via the local user interface, or remotely with the extra capability of capturing echo wave forms, and viewing trend data, diagnostic conditions, and all transmitter configuration parameters.
The integral mount electronics are housed in either a cast aluminum housing or Lexan® thermoplastic housing. The intelligent electronics analyze the ultrasonic echo profile, apply temperature compensation, reject echoes from false targets, and then processes the true echo from the liquid surface. This results in an extremely reliable measurement even when applications difficulties like turbulence, rapid level changes, or echoes from false targets exist.
The 60 kHz ultrasonic transducer is offered in polypropylene, or Kynar® Flex for superior performance in harsh environments. These powerful transducers feature a 10° conical beam and 10" (250 mm) blocking distance to maximize measurement capabilities in a wide variety of applications.
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- Two-wire, loop-powered transmitter for level, volume and open channel flow measurement
- Maximum range of 20 feet (6 meters)
- PACTware PC program using HART Communications for remote configuration and troubleshooting
- Menu-driven 4-push-button, 2-line ¥ 16-character LCD user interface
- Patent-pending temperature compensated echo rejection technique identifies true echo from surface
- Two 7-digit flow totalizers, one resettable, and one non-resettable
- Common tank shapes and 20-point custom table for fast and accurate volume configuration
- 60 kHz transducer with 10° beam angle and 10" (250 mm) blocking distance
- Dynamic baseline noise compensation provides reliable performance in the presence of electromagnetic noise
- Generic Discharge Flow Equation and 35 flume/weir primary elements for open channel flow applications
- Chemical storage tanks
- Pond or river level monitoring
- Paint, ink and solvent tanks
- Industrial wastewater processing
- Volume in batch and day tanks
- Open channel flow weirs and flumes
Download Datasheet: Magnetrol Echotel® Model 355 Two-Wire Loop-Powered Ultrasonic Non-Contact Transmitter
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