Series 387 Pressure Transmitters/transducers employ strain gauge pressure sensing and a precision amplifier providing a 4 to 20 mA current output capable of being used in control and indicating loops without further amplification. Each instrument is coded to provide a complete description of the facilities offered. All Models are enclosed in an investment cast, 316 Stainless Steel enclosure, giving environmental protection to IP66 (NEMA 4X). Ensure that the Model chosen is appropriate to the environment and that codes of practice for the installation of electrical apparatus have been followed.
For reasons of Explosion containment, Explosion-proof approval is confined to ranges 0 to 10 bar (160 psi) and above. Intrinsic Safety operation are available over the full set of pressure ranges offered. The instrument is designed for ease of electrical connection combined with compact overall size, even with 2 mm2 (16 AWG) solid wire. Cable
inserted through threaded entry clears the terminal block and passes out through the cover aperture, enabling termination and connection to be carried out with minimum effort. Cable to be braid, double-braid, or braid & foil screened. Cable gland to terminate the cable screen through a 360° connection. Ideally the gland would be made from the same material as the instrument housing, 316 stainless steel. The instrument requires an earth bond to the instrument enclosure.
- High Accuracy ± 0.15%.
- Ranges from 1 bar to 1000 bar.
- 4 : 1 turn down.
- 4-20mA analogue with digital communications.
- 316 stainless steel investment cast enclosure.
- NEMA 4X, IP66 weatherproof rating.
- Stainless Steel, Monel and Hastelloy “Wetted Parts” options.
- NACE MR-01-75 compatibility.
- Compact, robust design.
- All welded construction.
The 387 is suitable for a wide range of applications in many industry sectors:
- Oil & Gas
- Chemical
- Petrochemical
- Water
- Power
The choice of models available ensures that the 387 suitable for use in:
- Corrosive atmospheres
- Resistant to chemical attack
Rugged design
The model 387 has a compact, robust, all stainless steel construction making it particularly suited to the harsh corrosive environments of offshore applications
- For turn downs of 1:1 to 4:1 ± 0.15% of span.
- Less than ±0.15% of URV*, including combined effects of linearity, hysteresis and repeatability
Temperature limits:
- Process: -40 to +120°C (-40 to +240°F)
- Ambient: -20 to +85°C (-4 to +185°F)
- Compensated range: -20 to +85°C (-4 to +185°F)
- Ambient temperature drift: Less than ±0.025% of URL*, for every 1 deg C (1.8 deg F) change in ambient temperature.
Enclosure classification: IP66 / NEMA 4X / Flameproof Ex d / Intrinsically safe Ex ia
Signal output: 4 to 20mA, 2-wire system.
Power supply: 12 to 38V DC at instrument terminals. Reverse polarity protected. Less than 0.01% per volt effect.
Long term stability: Less than ±0.15% of URV*, including combined effects of linearity, hysteresis and repeatability
Vibration tolerance: 5g peak to peak sinusoidal at 5 to 200Hz.
Radio frequency interference effect: Induced error shall not exceed ±0.15% of URL*, when tested to IEC 801-3 severity level 3 (10v/m) with cover closed)
Warm-up time: 250 milliseconds typical
Response time: 150 milliseconds typical
Adjustability: Zero adjustment within ±5% off full range
Weight: 0.9kg.
Download Data Sheet: Pressure Transmitter 387 Series
Another Article:
LEEG Pressure Transmitter, Sensor and Switch
Working Principle of Flow Meter
How to Choose a Flow Meter
Models and Types of Flow Meter
LEEG Absolute Pressure Transmitter DMP305X-DST
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